Models for Hadleigh Castle (Overall)

The 3D Models I created for the project

For this project I modeled a horse stable, wall torch, trap door and a tree.

First of the set being my stable.

To create this model I looked at housed from the time period and noticed the wood supports were on the exterior of the house, which gave the houses of that time a very unique appearance which I used as inspiration for my designs.

To create it I used squares and cylinders which I resized into all different shapes to make the walls, window bars and the roof.

The next was a wall torch.

This will be our main source of interior lighting, combined with UE4 particle effects to create a flame, as it was very common of the time to use wall torches as light, I did a quick google search to give me ideas which I interpreted myself and combine different textures to give me my final design which I feel came out well.

Then there was a very basic tree to give the outside of the castle life.

This was a very basic design using 2D textures to trick the viewer into thinking it was a 3D object, I used our wood texture and basic leaves to do all of the tree’s textures. It was very simple to make, using only cylinders which I altered to give a more realistic and weathered look.

Lastly, I made a trap door.

This is the most complicated as I have to implement a bone system to create open and closing animations, this will be used above every ladder to access different floors instead of leaving the level open. It will make the castle feel more realistic.

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