FMP Update Week 4

This week I modeled a crate asset which I have scattered across my map to create cover and break sight lines to help balance and improve game play, I also modeled my own rock Asset which I am using to create the icebergs in the background of my level. The level is about 85% complete as of now because all I need to do is model the igloos and some wooden bridges. I am happy with where I am as of now because it gives me time to focus on fine tuning my assets and landscape of my level.

As well as this, I modeled a campfire for the center of the camp.


I revised my idea of igloos and changed it into military tents instead to fit the theme of my level, I feel that these suit the aesthetic of my level far better than the igloos would have.

They were also much easier to model and saved me a lot of time.

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