FMP Update Week 1

Today I created basic models for the buildings found on my map and redesigned one of the spawn points to make the game play more fluent and faster paced. The models replaced the original blocks to give me an idea of what my final design will look like, as well as this I added an ambient fog to hide the boundaries of my map and added a basic texture to represent snow.

I mainly focused this last week on doing my 3D models and perfecting my terrain to ensure smoothest gameplay and to avoid down times where the players are running around looking for eachover.

I feel this improves the flow of my match because the smaller size and cramped spaces allow for exciting battles.

FMP – The Pitch

Here is a powerpoint I have made containing my FMP Pitch.

It documents all of the games that I have used as inspiration and includes screenshots of real life research bases and icebergs, as well as a cargo ship.

The powerpoint also includes my levels USP, Target audience and a background of the level with a basic description of why I chose that setting.


FMP – Block Out

Today I started my FMP Level block out. I stuck with my original idea of doing it around Antartica because it is a unique setting for a level and I could be very creative in my designs. I  made icebergs for cover to protect each team from being killed as soon as they spawn. I had to do this because one team had a severe advantage as they could see the other team as soon as they spawned and so gave them an unfair advantage. My level has vertical and horizontal gameplay along with a few tunnels for stealthy flanks.